A sound estate plan is peace of mind.

Our goal at Basi Law is to create Wills and estate plans that are tailored to your personal and financial needs. We understand not just the legal and tax issues, but also the emotional and complex family dynamics that are often associated with this process. We are dedicated to guiding you with compassion towards your estate planning goals. We help you to get on with your life, knowing that you have clarified your wishes and saved your loved ones unnecessary grief, stress, and financial burden.

Wills & Powers of Attorney

Your Will secures the future of your loved ones. Your powers of attorney protect you while you are alive.

Estate Planning & Administration

Estate planning is more than just having a Will, as important as that is! How do you own your property? What beneficiary designations are in place? What are the tax implications of your choices? Have you selected professional executors, or will they require assistance in administering your estate? At Basi Law we look at the whole picture.

Trust Law

Trusts are an important planning tool for protection and tax minimization, for you and your loved ones. Trusts are helpful during your lifetime, along with prescribed rate loans or corporations, as well as upon your death.


Articles that have been written and published on The Blunt Bean Counter Blog – The…

Gordon Pape’s wife of 51 years passed away and he was left with the task of acting as executor of her estate.

Nothing screams “moving target” quite like US estate tax…but maybe we’ve truly hit a status…

Make sure that you’ve claimed all the deductions and credits you are entitled to as…

Mark Goodfield was kind enough to lend me the platform of his bluntbeancounter.com blog to…

All that studying was worth it. Anxiety has an upside! http://katybasi.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Law-of-Trusts-Award.jpg